Coffee Varietal: Red Bourbon
Harvest Year: December 2022
Coffee Process: Washed
274 strong willed women are changing the Rwandan coffee production game. With pride, we welcome the Cyarumbo Women’s Coffee.
These all female farmers own and grow coffee on small farms in the hills surrounding Cyarumbo Washing Station, in Rwanda’s Southern Province and are members of six of the twenty-two collectives that fall under the Abizerwa Women’s Group umbrella.
To ensure that their coffee is distinguished and processed separately, the women from the collective deliver the cherry to the washing station certain days of the week. This tactic not only secures a higher price for them to support their families but also creates a powerful precedent and incentivises others to work together towards achieving high quality standards, translating in a more complex and clean cup of coffee.
The Cyarumbo Women’s Coffee is a living testament that working united is a better alternative of delivering excellent results.