Jose Salazar

$33.40 Sold out

Huila, Colombia
Light & Floral: Lavender & Tangelo


Coffee Varietal: Pink Bourbon
Harvest Year:
February 2023
Coffee Process: Washed

We welcome back a coffee gem straight from the mountainside of Bruselas in Pitalito, from one of our favourite producers, Jose Salazar. This special lot comprises 100 percent Pink Bourbon—a rarity grown amidst the rugged beauty of this Colombian paradise.

Nestled in the heart of Huila, where Red and Yellow Bourbon varieties flourish, Pink Bourbon stands out as a true treasure. Its rarity is a testament to nature's intricate dance of genetics—often overshadowed by its more common counterparts. But here, on the mountainside of Bruselas, this delicate variety thrives, unfurling its unique pink-hued fruits.

Pink Bourbon's distinct colour and exceptional flavour profile emerge when nurtured in isolation. It's a delicate dance of genetics where the pink fruit asserts its character amidst the presence of yellow and red genes.

Jose Salazar's offering stands as a testament to the pinnacle of Pink Bourbon mastery—a sensory delight that'll transport you to Huila, a true exotic paradise.

Savour the flavours of lavender intertwined with the citric tones of tangelo.


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